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A shivoo...

A shivoo...

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According to my friends at, that's an Australian word for a boisterous party or celebration.  I don't know how boisterous it's going to get here today but it's Friday and that is cause for some kind of celebration, right?

I think this quilt looks like a shivoo - a boisterous party of color!  The fabrics are from a variety of American Jane collections - aka Sandy Klop.  The quilt pattern is Cracked Pots, it's from the book Miss Rosie's Farmhouse Favorites.  My sweet friend Judy made this new version for the book and it's one of my favorite quilts.  It seemed fitting for a Friday.

New versions - it's that time of year here.  Spring, of course.  New grownth, renewal.  Yeah, yeah.  It's also the time when we've got new fabric arriving daily - literally.  I know I've mentioned them and shown a few things, but in case you've missed it - or aren't on Instagram - here are some of the new collections showing to shops right now.

Clockwise from upper left -


Do I have a favorite?  At least eight of them so far.  These collections will ship in August and September.

Of course you know that our other big shivoo is in less than three weeks - gee thanks to the nice gentleman who sent that reminder e-mail earlier this week.  Spring International Quilt Market in St. Louis, Missouri.  There will be more new fabric to show, new quilts and all sorts of other little treats to share... and as it looks like I'm going to two Cardinals' baseball games, expect a picture or two of that.

While the fabric or book isn't new, a few weeks ago, Linzee McCray, my partner-in-crime at The Cutting Table wrote about Miss Rosie's Farmhouse Favorites... something about Unexpected.  (Between us... despite being an amazing author - Feed Sacks and Art Quilts of the Midwest - she made up most of it.)  You were all very kind - yes, I do like flying geese and half-triangle squares... but I also love nine-patch quilts!

Wayne & Gordie.  Someone once asked me if those were the names of my hamsters.  I honestly have no idea why she thought "hamsters" but no... first, I never had a hankering for a furry little rodent creature, and second, Wayne and Gordie were hockey players.  It's all those nine-patches... nines... Gordie Howe, a famous No. 9, and Wayne Gretzky, the famous No. 99, in honor of his hockey hero, Gordie.  I'd bet the "farmhouse" that neither one of them ever owned a hamster... just saying.

So why am I mentioning the book?  I want to thank you - yes, you!  I heard the other day that Miss Rosie's Farmhouse Favorites is being re-printed.  That's cause for a shivoo too!  (If you're at Quilt Market and don't yet have a copy of the book, rumor has it there will be a book-signing on Friday.)

I hope your weekend is one big shivoo... unless you'd rather it be relaxing.

I'm pretty sure I'll be sewing... it is that time of year.

Happy Friday!
