Closed Friday 1/10 Due To Inclement Weather
All Grown Up Irish Chain Quilt
All Grown Up Irish Chain Quilt
2 solid gray charm square packs (or 1¼ yards)
2 solid pink charm square packs (or 1¼ yards)
¼ yard solid gray fabric
¼ yard solid pink fabric
1 yard white fabric
2⅔ yards matching fabric for backing
½ yard matching fabric for binding
Batting to size
Aurifil 50wt thread for piecing and quilting
Basic sewing supplies
- From solid gray yardage, cut (3) 1¾" x width of fabric (WOF) strips
- From solid pink yardage, cut (3) 1¾" x WOF strips
- From white fabric, cut:
- (6) 1¾" x WOF strips
- (8) 3" x WOF strips , then cut each strip into 3" x 4½" rectangles
- From binding fabric, cut (6) 2½" x WOF strips
This quilt is made up of two block types - one is a simple four-patch made from charm squares and the other a type of 9-patch. Let's start with the components for the 9-patch block. Note: Use a scant ¼" seam throughout.
Small 4-Patches
Pair each 1¾" pink strip with a 1¾" white strip and sew together to create 3 pink+white strip sets. Press toward the pink fabric. Cut strip sets into (72) 1¾" x 3" pink+white rectangles. Each strip set yields about 24 rectangles so cut carefully.
Stitch each pink+white rectangle to another, making sure seams nest and the four patch starts with a white square on the top left. To save time, chain stitch these blocks together for a total of 36 pink+white 4-patches. Press middle seam open so blocks will lay flat.
Repeat process with gray and white 1¾" strips. You should have 36 blocks of each color combination. Set aside.
Medium 4-Patches
Pair a pink charm square with a gray one, right sides together (RST). With a scant ¼" seam, stitch both the left and the right sides. Press seams to set them. Cut in half both vertically and horizontally, then open and press each pink/gray rectangle with seam towards gray fabric. (One pink/gray pair yields 2 4-patches). Stitch pink/gray 4-patches together making sure they start with a gray square on top left. Press seams open so blocks will lay flat.
Repeat 8 more times for a total of 18 medium 4-patches.
9-Patch Block
To make the top row, stitch a white+gray 4-patch block to the left of a 3"x 4½" rectangle (make sure gray square is on top left), then stitch the pink+white 4-patch to its right side, making sure white square is on top left. Press seams away from white rectangle.
For the middle row, stitch the long side of a 3" x 4½" white rectangle to the left of a medium 4-patch (make sure gray square is on top left), then stitch another white rectangle to the right edge of the center patch. Press seams towards center patch.
For the bottom row, stitch pink+white 4-patch block to the left of a 3"x 4½" rectangle (make sure white square is on top left), then stitch the gray+white 4-patch to its right, making sure gray square is on top left. Press seams away from white rectangle.
Stitch rows together and press seams away from center.
Large 4-patches
Pair a pink charm square with a gray one and stitch together with a scant ¼" seam. Chain stitch all pink and gray charm squares together in pairs. Press towards the gray fabric.
Join two sets of pink+gray rectangles, making sure seams nest and pink square is on top left to create the large 4-patches. Make 17.
Assemble Quilt
Referring to image above, stitch 5 blocks together to form each row, alternating between block types. Pay attention to the upper left corner of each block as you go to make sure your pattern is correct. Press seams. Stitch rows together and press seams again.
Make a quilt sandwich and quilt as desired.
Stitch binding strips together end-to-end on a 45 degree seam, fold them in half lengthwise, and press. Stitch binding to quilt front, fold it towards back of quilt and hand stitch binding to backing.
45" x 63" lap quilt. Blocks measure 9" finished.
Denise Russell